Peer-Reviewed Articles
2024. "Who Gets Targeted with Soft Power? Evidence from Kissinger's International Seminar." World Politics, accepted for publication. [Abstract][Paper]
2024 . "Foreign Training, Course Content, and Political Militarization." World Politics, accepted for publication (with Jesse D. Savage). [Abstract]
2024. "Does Sportswashing Work? First Insights from the 2022 World Cup in Qatar." Journal of Politics, online first (with Christian Gläßel and Pearce Edwards). [Paper][Blog post: JoP Blog][Media: NZZ]
2023. "The Political Effects of Witnessing State Atrocities: Evidence from the Nazi Death Marches." Comparative Political Studies, online first (with Alexander De Juan, Christian Gläßel, and Felix Haass).
2022. "International Sports Events and Repression in Autocracies: Evidence from the 1978 FIFA World Cup." American Political Science Review, 117(3): 909-926 (with Christian Gläßel and Pearce Edwards)[Podcast: Berlin Security Beat][Blog posts: Inkstick, Political Violence @ A Glance][Media: Economist, Times, NZZ, Spiegel, Washington Post, Haaretz, Deutsche Welle, ZDF, Politiken, Journalisten, Kurier, MDR, DR P1, DLF Nova, La Presse, Le Devoir, Altinget, Courier International, ABC][Award: APSA Best Article Award].
2022. "Career Pressures and Organizational Evil: A Novel Perspective on the Study of Organized Violence." International Studies Review, 24(3): 1-23 (with Christian Gläßel).
2022. "Pro-Government Militias and Conflict.'' Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, DOI: (with Sabine C. Carey and Neil Mitchell) [Dataset].
2020. "Why Underachievers Dominate Secret Police Organizations: Evidence from Autocratic Argentina." American Journal of Political Science, 64(4): 791-806 (with Christian Gläßel) [Replication files][Blog post].
2020. "Why Governments Have Their Troops Trained Abroad: Evidence from Latin America." International Studies Quarterly, 64(3): 734-
747 [ISA 2016 Dina Zinnes Award][NEPS 2017 Stuart A. Bremer Award].
2020. "Grist to the Mill of Subversion: Strikes and Coups in Counterinsurgencies." European Journal of International Relations, 26(4): 1032-1060 (with Belén González and Christian Gläßel) [Replication files].
2020. "Capturing Group Alignments: Introducing the Government and Armed Actors Relations Dataset (GAARD)." Research & Politics, DOI: 10.1177/2053168020971891 (with Sabine Otto and Anita R. Gohdes) [Dataset][Replication files][Supplementary files].
2018. "Ideology and State Terror: How Officer Beliefs Shaped Repression during Argentina's 'Dirty War'." Journal of Peace Research, 55(2): 206-221 [Replication files].
2014. "Forecasting the Risk of Extreme Massacres in Syria." European Review of International Studies, 1(2): 50-68 (with Gerald Schneider, Anna Nöh, and Aaron Clauset).
2013. "Die Blutspur des Vetos: Eine Prognose zur Gefahr von extremen Massakern in Syrien." Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 2(1): 6-31 (with Gerald Schneider, Anna Nöh, and Aaron Clauset).
2024 . "Foreign Training, Course Content, and Political Militarization." World Politics, accepted for publication (with Jesse D. Savage). [Abstract]
2024. "Does Sportswashing Work? First Insights from the 2022 World Cup in Qatar." Journal of Politics, online first (with Christian Gläßel and Pearce Edwards). [Paper][Blog post: JoP Blog][Media: NZZ]
2023. "The Political Effects of Witnessing State Atrocities: Evidence from the Nazi Death Marches." Comparative Political Studies, online first (with Alexander De Juan, Christian Gläßel, and Felix Haass).
2022. "International Sports Events and Repression in Autocracies: Evidence from the 1978 FIFA World Cup." American Political Science Review, 117(3): 909-926 (with Christian Gläßel and Pearce Edwards)[Podcast: Berlin Security Beat][Blog posts: Inkstick, Political Violence @ A Glance][Media: Economist, Times, NZZ, Spiegel, Washington Post, Haaretz, Deutsche Welle, ZDF, Politiken, Journalisten, Kurier, MDR, DR P1, DLF Nova, La Presse, Le Devoir, Altinget, Courier International, ABC][Award: APSA Best Article Award].
2022. "Career Pressures and Organizational Evil: A Novel Perspective on the Study of Organized Violence." International Studies Review, 24(3): 1-23 (with Christian Gläßel).
2022. "Pro-Government Militias and Conflict.'' Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, DOI: (with Sabine C. Carey and Neil Mitchell) [Dataset].
2020. "Why Underachievers Dominate Secret Police Organizations: Evidence from Autocratic Argentina." American Journal of Political Science, 64(4): 791-806 (with Christian Gläßel) [Replication files][Blog post].
2020. "Why Governments Have Their Troops Trained Abroad: Evidence from Latin America." International Studies Quarterly, 64(3): 734-
747 [ISA 2016 Dina Zinnes Award][NEPS 2017 Stuart A. Bremer Award].
2020. "Grist to the Mill of Subversion: Strikes and Coups in Counterinsurgencies." European Journal of International Relations, 26(4): 1032-1060 (with Belén González and Christian Gläßel) [Replication files].
2020. "Capturing Group Alignments: Introducing the Government and Armed Actors Relations Dataset (GAARD)." Research & Politics, DOI: 10.1177/2053168020971891 (with Sabine Otto and Anita R. Gohdes) [Dataset][Replication files][Supplementary files].
2018. "Ideology and State Terror: How Officer Beliefs Shaped Repression during Argentina's 'Dirty War'." Journal of Peace Research, 55(2): 206-221 [Replication files].
2014. "Forecasting the Risk of Extreme Massacres in Syria." European Review of International Studies, 1(2): 50-68 (with Gerald Schneider, Anna Nöh, and Aaron Clauset).
2013. "Die Blutspur des Vetos: Eine Prognose zur Gefahr von extremen Massakern in Syrien." Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 2(1): 6-31 (with Gerald Schneider, Anna Nöh, and Aaron Clauset).
2024. "The Authoritarian Security Apparatus: Officer Careers and the Trade-offs in Command." in Research Handbook on Authoritarianism, Natasha Lindstaedt and Jeroen J.J. den Bosch (eds.): Edward Elgar, 111–126 (with Belén González and Christian Gläßel). [Preprint][Appendix]
Policy Papers
2022. "The Recipient Dilemma of Foreign Military Training" On Tracks, 29: 33-44 [English].
2020. "Die gefährliche Allianz zwischen Populisten und Militär." KoBra Brasilicum, 257: 38-39 [German].
2020. "Dangerous Alliances: Populists and the Military." GIGA Focus Latin America, 1: 1-12 [German][English].
2018. "The Return of the Military." GIGA Focus Latin America, 7: 1-11 (with Sabine Kurtenbach) [German][English].
2020. "Die gefährliche Allianz zwischen Populisten und Militär." KoBra Brasilicum, 257: 38-39 [German].
2020. "Dangerous Alliances: Populists and the Military." GIGA Focus Latin America, 1: 1-12 [German][English].
2018. "The Return of the Military." GIGA Focus Latin America, 7: 1-11 (with Sabine Kurtenbach) [German][English].
Blog Post
2018. "Making Sense of Trump’s War against the Islamic State." Political Violence at @ Glance [Blog post].